Using the sun to make salt water drinkable

There have been many efforts to purify water and make it safe for drinking in the poorer nations of the world, but now it is possible to take the salt right out of the sea water. It’s called Eliodomestico, and it is an eco-distiller that uses solar power to make salt water drinkable.


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Eliodomestico requires no electricity or filters, and it’s fairly easy to maintain.  Italian designer Gabriele Diamanti created it in an open-source project to provide safe drinking water for those in developing nations where sanitation is hard to come by.  The device can produce five liters of fresh water every day. Users simply add sea water in the morning, and the head from the sun causes the steam to rise and condense in a collection basin. By the time the sun set, the basin is full of fresh water, which can be transported in the traditional way: on the head.
Here the inventor explains the premise in more detail:

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