Off-grid living is still a thing

Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 6.16.35 PMWhether for financial or environmental reasons, the trend of “off-grid” living doesn’t seem to be diminishing. There have been an explosion of blogs and reality TV shows these past several years dedicated to living off the electrical grid.

Three years ago a survey showed that 1.7 billion people in the world live off the grid. That takes into account emerging nations and poor populations, but what about in the United States?  According to Home Power Magazine, at least 180,000 families are living off the grid in America, and that number increases each year.

The term “off the grid” is defined as not requiring utilities, such as electricity, water, sewer, natural gas, heat, and other services. To truly live off the grid means a house operates without the assistance of any public utility services. To achieve this independence, one’s electricity needs to be on-site and powered by renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar or geothermal. Generators and fuel reserves are also needed. Another option is to simply do without electricity. source

But the U.S. isn’t the only nation jumping on the off-grid trend. There are off-grid families in every continent who intentionally wish to live completely sustainable and free from utility bills. And corporations are developing innovative solutions to go along with the need.

One startup company in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, has developed an egg-shaped “pod” house and shipping it all around the world. It’s called the The egg-shaped Ecocapsule.

Check it out:


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