“Fostering and Promoting a Culture of Innovation throughout your Business to Drive Revenue and Growth”
“Innovation” – it’s everywhere–in print, on the airwaves, on the tips of tongues of managers, and always on the minds of CEOs. Why are some companies more innovative than others? How can we repeat our successes if we don’t know what we did right? What are the theories on how innovation occurs? Are there thinking and management principles that guide cutting edge leaders? What are the practices that embody these principles? How do we integrate these principles with systems thinking, continuous improvement, or other management philosophies? These are only a few of the questions we can ask to explore the mysteries of innovation.
Join Cheryl Perkins in Mumbai, India, where she will share her insights on how to create a powerful corporate culture that stimulates innovation and creativity!
Focus areas :
* Developing an innovation culture
* Evaluating risk taking – innovation vs invention
* Building a platform for knowledge sharing through open innovation
* Strategies for innovating to stay ahead of the competition
* Consumer-focused innovation: connect with the customers to turn insight
into new products
* Trend spotting: Anticipating the next big thing
To learn more, click here.