Marketers look at the Mom Factor

For the past several years now I’ve been writing about the influence moms have on advertising and marketing–even product creation.  (Remember how Nintendo asked mothers about how to enhance Wii?)

Now a new report on the 2010 Mom Social Influencer offers some great numbers and interesting facts about just how much the marketplace should be valuing the insights moms have to offer. The segmentation study comes from BabyCenter, a great site to check out.

The report identifies five unique segments of social moms: the Field Expert (A young but experienced stay-at-home mom who uses social media to share parenting advice), the Lifecaster (A millennial mom of young children who is always connected and communicating using social media), Pros (A self-employed Gen X mom with young children who loves giving well-thought-out advice and values recognition.), the Butterflies (A mom-to-be expecting her first child who is so tightly scheduled that she tends to only post on important updates using  social media), and the biggest segment called the Audience (a very large group representing a mix of moms at different stages, from expectant moms to moms of older children. These women have fewer online friends and comment less frequently in social media, but are still present and highly influenced by the other segments) .

Interestingly, the Influencers category counts for only 18% of social moms, but they wield 78% of the influence.

Here are the report’s key highlights:

  • Pregnancy and birth triggered 94% of moms to seek out information and share opinions with others online.
  • 18% of social moms wield 78% of the overall influence.
  • Field Experts and Lifecasters make up 16% of audience and wield 67% of the influence.
  • 91% of social moms use Facebook for socializing and 89% use BabyCenter for gathering useful information.
  • Pros have 89% of influence on blogs, Lifecasters have 47% on Facebook, and Field Experts have 44% on the BabyCenter community.

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