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How the 2015 predictions are panning out
Often mid-year I like to look back at the predictions made for innovation. Did the 2015 predictions come to fruition yet? How are trends shaping the way we innovate? Here is an article titled, 6 tech trends for 2015 that will change our future, in which TechCrunch made predictions about Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, robots,…
Ford’s new Keyless Entry logs you in and out of social media
Imagine what would happen if your mere presence near your computer automatically triggered logging in to your Google, Facebook and Twitter accounts? Check out this new app that works with your mobile phone to fire up your computer’s social accounts whenever you are near. While the app is for desktop or laptop use, it was…
Egyptian invention cuts rice irrigation water by half
Water shortages around the world impacts billions of people. For those who depend on rainfall for their daily nourishment, a lack of water means famine and thirst. Rice production – a staple in many developing nations – takes a lot of water: 1000-3000 liters just to produce one kilo of rice. But in Egypt, innovators…
Phone app lets retail store shoppers skip the checkout lines
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Most innovative devices this year?
We’ve made it more than halfway through 2013,and many magazines and websites are already touting the most innovative gadgets so far this year. Here is a “Top 5” list you may want to check out. It includes an electronic skateboard, a portable iPhone charger that fits you your wallet, and my favorite, a “Nest learning…