It’s not to late to sign up and attend the Growth and Innovation Summit in Chicago!
This summit is designed to maximize your time, providing actionable takeaways in two focused days. The first day is dedicated to strategy, the second to implementation, with a ‘bridge’ keynote session and kickoff reception in between. (See the agenda). You may attend just one or both days, and we encourage you to bring your team
This first-of-its-kind Summit is practical and collegial with top level content, but even more personal with more Q&A, hands-on experience, and synthesis. By participating, you will learn to:
- simplify complexity; increase agility and adaptability to ever-changing needs
- balance growth objectives with resource constraints -keep motivation high, especially after restructuring
- identify and weed out inefficiencies, redirect cost savings toward innovation and growth
- expand your ecosystem
- improve organizational effectiveness; connect the dots between strategy, processes, people, and tools
Overall, you will come away with valuable new business contacts, benchmarking insights, and the clarity and direction to get things done.