This October 27th, CLEAR™VIEW Institute is offering the inaugural CLEAR(TM)VIEW program, providing a 360 learning environment.
CLEAR™VIEW is a highly interactive, three day leadership experience for top executives charged with driving business performance through organizational capability and transformational change. The CLEAR™VIEW program is focused on building practical strategies to address challenges in agility, change, innovation, talent and leadership.Led by Ian Ziskin, I’ll be among the thought leaders featured, including John Boudreau, Al Vicere, Rob Cross, and Bill Schiemann, as well as group coaching sessions to maximize learning from peers, this program will enhance your ability to deal with transformations ahead!
Business and organizational transformation are among the most urgent needs facing today’s leaders, as they prepare to address future trends and challenges. Responsibility for making organizations more agile, innovative, resilient, and “capable” is increasingly becoming a multi-disciplinary leadership role.
Download the full brochure.
Lansdowne Resort and Conference Center
44050 Woodridge Parkway
Leesburg, VA 20176
Talisa Ernstmann
CLEAR Institute