D!gitalist Magazine is futurecasting about blockchain technology, a trend I have been blogging about more frequently in the past year. If you can see into a crystal ball, would you imagine that every agency, building, office, residence, and piece of infrastructure has an entry on a blockchain used as a city’s digital ledger? How will blockchain transform entire cities?
Here is an excerpt:
Some experts say these seemingly far-future speculations about the possibilities of combining technologies using blockchain are actually both inevitable and imminent:
- Property owners could easily monetize assets by renting rooms, selling solar power back to the grid, and more.
- Utilities could use customer data and AIs to make energy-saving recommendations, and smart contracts to automatically adjust power usage for greater efficiency.
- Embedded sensors could sense problems (like a water main break) and alert an AI to send a technician with the right parts, tools, and training.
- Autonomous vehicles could route themselves to open parking spaces or charging stations, and pay for services safely and automatically.
- Cities could improve traffic monitoring and routing, saving commuters’ time and fuel while increasing productivity.
Every interaction would be transparent and verifiable, providing more data to analyze for future improvements.
Could this be the next industrial revolution? It certainly is something we should be keeping an eye on, and looking to the future to see how we can implement and contribute to innovation in the years ahead.
For more info, click on Running Future Cities on Blockchain.