7 Techniques For Getting Creatively Unstuck

My friend Robert Tucker over at Innovation Resource has some great tips for getting “unstuck.”  I’ll share a few of them here, and then link to his excellent article. If you solve problems for a living, you’ve probably had it happen. Just when you least expect it — and just when you need to be

The future of drinking water?

Imagine running a race and instead of being handed a water bottle, volunteers hand you a clear water bubble. Do you eat it, or drink it? Three design students from London first created a prototype of an edible water bottle in 2014 as an alternative to plastic bottles. Today the product is gaining traction, and its

Lowe’s new in-store navigation app is wowing consumers

Motion tracking has been helping customers navigate store aisles to find what they need,  and Lowe’s home improvement stores are bringing this technology to the forefront via a new app. They’re calling the new app, “Lowe’s Vision: In-Store Navigation.” The app utilizes Google’s Tango augmented reality technology and motion tracking and depth perception. This will