Inventions Ahead of Their Time

One of my painful experiences in the pursuit of patents has been surprisingly close prior art. Even after serious and careful searching related to an invention that seems entirely new, one may later find that someone else pursued a very similar idea many years ago. Like the Good Book says, there is no truly novel

Greenhouse gas goes underground

Here’s an interesting article sure to raise controversy in the scientific community: To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, scientists at Toshiba Corp. in rural Japan are working on a way to send noxious pollutants deep into the ground. It is a technology called “carbon capture and storage” (CCS), and is being tested at the Mikawa power

18 Oct 09: The Post-Crescent

Local leaders pen book to aid inventors: The Post-Crescent, October 18, 2009 Cheryl Perkins and Jeff Lindsay of Innovationedge in Neenah authored “Conquering Innovation Fatigue,” which reveals how to overcome the many barriers faced by innovators.

Are you connected?

It is nearlty impossible to be innovative without relating to people. And social networking is by far the easiest way to keep relationships and connections fresh. So let me ask: Do you blog? Tweet? Own a Facebook page for your company? I’ve been using social networking for several years, and I can’t imagine not having