How The Blockchain Will Secure Your Online Identity

I’ve been keeping my readers updated on the newest information we have about Blockchain technology. A blockchain is a data structure that makes it possible to create a digital ledger of transactions and share it among a distributed network of computers. It uses cryptography to allow each participant on the network to manipulate the ledger…


Micro Wind Turbine offers energy and a charge in remote places

Imagine being far from civilization with a fully-charged smart phone from an energy source you can carry with you!  Help may be on the way, thanks to this invention. The Micro Wind Turbine is a portable energy source for remote regions and enables people to charge USB devices from just about anywhere. The Micro Wind…

Study: Consumers not being turned on by connected home

A recent study shows consumers aren’t warming up to the idea of so-called “smart homes,” where everything from their appliances to lighting to their air conditioning is voice controlled and connected.  Beyond the early adopter crowd, most consumers would prefer to keep things under control manually, according to survey of nearly 10,000 consumers in the U.S., the…


A Business Case for Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

I am pleased to announce my contribution to a new book titled, Orchestrating Sustainable Innovation: A Symphony in Sound Bytes. I am excited to share my learnings and strategies for Open Innovation through partnerships that many consider “out-of-the-box.” The authors, Marilyn J. Blocker, MSM, MBA, Megan Mitchell, and Andrea Zintz, Ph.D., invited innovators to write…

Explore the latest developments in open innovation, collaboration & industry partnerships

I want to share with you an open invitation to join me at the Texas Open Innovation Conference in March! Check out this video welcome message by Christina Robinson, Chief Strategy Officer – Research & Innovation, LSC-University Park: The event is March 28 and 29 in Houston. You can expect: 200+ attendees 20+ sessions and…


Egyptian invention cuts rice irrigation water by half

Water shortages around the world impacts billions of people. For those who depend on rainfall for their daily nourishment, a lack of water means famine and thirst.  Rice production – a staple in many developing nations – takes a lot of water: 1000-3000 liters just to produce one kilo of rice.  But in Egypt, innovators…

Biomimicry: Spiders may help build stronger synthetics

I’m always amazed by the ideas innovators can glean from nature. It’s called biomimicry, and some of our brightest new technologies are being enhanced by animals and plants. (See my blog post on this here) Case in point, spiders. Scientists studying the threads spun by brown recluse spiders: have learned that these web threads are…