
E-Commerce Growth: Kroger Enters the Fray

The online shopping fray, that is. Kroger just announced its new e-commerce and home delivery push, Kroger Ship, which puts it squarely in the competitive race with Amazon, Walmart, Target,  and just about every other large US retailer. Its offering is necessary but seems a bit late and may not be enough. Their prices are relatively low and no membership is required. Delivery speed of two…

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Innovation stories to unfold at the Sustainable Innovation Summit

Every company has a unique story to tell about their innovation journey. As I’ve partnered with innovation trailblazers all around the world, I’ve been inspired by so many incredible, thought-provoking insights from those who have faced and overcome daunting challenges in their industries. That’s why I’m so excited about a brand new innovation convergence happening…

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Innovation Trends: Smartphones and Agriculture

One of the interesting trends in emerging nations is the rapid spread of mobile phones without first moving to landlines. Millions of people who don’t have landlines and may not have the infrastructure for them are able to benefit from cell phones. As cell phones increasingly become smart, offering a variety of apps and services,…