Intelligent Automation Is This Year’s Big Tech Trend

Accenture, a global consulting firm, predicts that intelligent automation will be 2016’s biggest tech trend, perhaps even the biggest trend of the century. Although I think it’s a little early to forecast one trend for all of this century (it’s still pretty early yet!), I do think IA already has made a significant shift in…


New report shows we use our phones more than our computers

I’ve reported before that mobile applications are increasingly becoming the go-to platforms for our information, the way we connect and how we navigate. Mobile usage will continue to increase as more and more of us use smartphone technology. Here’s a great chart that shows us how we are now spending more time using mobile apps…


Consumers think green with high-tech buys

Electronics manufacturers are making a lot of progress in improving energy efficiency, and that’s good news for those of us trying to leave a smaller eco-footprint in our energy usage wake.  In my weekly column published yesterday I wrote about how manufacturers aren’t only improving the energy efficiency of electronic gadgets when they are on,…