Lessons from CoDev 2011: The Power of Crowdsourcing for Local Motors

During the CoDev 2011 conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, I was impressed with a speech given by a local CEO, John (“Jay”) Rogers of Local Motors in Chandler, Arizona. This small company designs exciting new vehicles using design contests that are open to the public. “Crowdsourcing” is one of the trendy new approaches to innovation, but it’s more than just a buzzword. When managed with smart tools, good incentives, strong respect for the participants and a strong brand, it can add a vast amount of energy and brilliance to an innovation pipeline.

Local Motor’s rapidly growing community (12,000 participants so far) contributes designs and feedback to help in the selection of potentially successful aesthetic concepts for automobiles that Local Motors will then build locally in a microfactory, with final customization of the appearance being achieved with an environmentally friendly and durable vinyl wrap that eliminates the need for paint and gives the owner freedom to have a unique look. The final assembly is done with hands-on help from the new owner, who becomes intimately familiar with the vehicle and with its maintenance.

CoDev 2011 is underway!

CoDev is celebrating a decade of innovation!  The 10th  annual conference on Co-Development and Open Innovation: Accessing Networks & Knowledge to Create Business Value is happening right now in Scottsdale, Ariz., and I could not be more excited.  This year more than 250 of us are convening in the brand new Talking Stick Resort. This

Digital oven brings the heat

Here’s an interesting innovation for your kitchen: an oven that is so automatic, it seems to have a brain. Actually, it does have a brain, sort of. The IChef  is a touch-controlled computer that has an icon-driven touch screen. The oven is manufactured by European appliance-maker Gorenje. This unique computerized oven was featured this past

A look at green consumerism in 2011

As Americans, we’re beginning to adopt green and sustainable fads like reusable shopping bags and refillable water bottles as everyday ordinary lifestyle habits, and that’s a trend that is expected to continue for years to come. Today’ savvy “green” consumers are paying attention to the green marketing being pitched at them–everything from online data storage services, cookware and pet

Top ten consumer trends for 2011

I am an avid follower of consumer trends, and I advise my clients to be as well.  Here is a terrific video I found on YouTube from JWT. It has several interesting elements I found particularly comforting, like the fact that human downtime and relationships still matter even as we become more and more attached

Media trends in emerging markets

Media in emerging markets is changing the way people in what we often call “third-world nations’ consume technology.  I’m seeing some of the major trends mimic what we’ve experienced in the United States, while other media trends seem to be going in a different track. An article titled Global Media Habits 2010, by Greg Lindsay,

Cover Story: Cheryl Perkins, BizEd Magazine

Cheryl Perkins: On the Leading Edge of Innovation BizEd Magazine, January/February 2011 If innovation is the go-to strategy of the decade, Cheryl Perkins wants to be the go-to consultant on the topic. She’s founder and president of Innovationedge, a consulting firm based in Neenah, Wisconsin, that helps companies and individuals develop innovations and business solutions.